What would you do if you could?


This Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day, we invite you to add your voice to ours and share your vision of a future without limitations. Complete the phrase "If I could..." and share how your life would change if paralysis were no longer a life-sentence?

We will be sharing your messages in the lead-up to Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day on May 17th.

Your contributions will highlight the hopes of the SCI community and emphasise the importance of research in making these hopes a reality. 


If I could....

If I could I would

Shaun Summerfield

If I could I would ask for more funding for research and development in all aspects of medical science to help those affected by spinal injuries in giving them back their equality of life. If I could I would’ If I could I would ask the the world to stop fighting with each other and put aside their differences and use the resources not for greed or fear but to persevere life. I could I would.

If I could I would